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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Metode Resitasi

A. Background
In the modern era, the progress of science and technology are very rapid, touching on all aspects of human life is no exception in education and teaching. The government today, especially the Ministry of Education and Culture seeks to improve the quality of education as outlined in the Guidelines 1993 that "in order to improve the quality of education, especially to encourage the expansion of natural science and mathematics" (TAP MPR No.. II/MPR/1993: 95) . To achieve these objectives, the government has tried to improve the quality of education starting from primary level to university level. Among them is the improvement of the curriculum into the curriculum in 1975, 1984, then refined again into the 1994 curriculum. in addition, also made efforts such as upgrading of teachers fields of study, the procurement of books the package, and add facilities and infrastructure for teaching and learning activities.
Improving the quality of education is largely determined by teachers as educators in achieving educational goals expected. In other words the teacher occupies a central point of education. To be a teacher capable of doing his duties properly, is necessary first to understand the things that relate to the learning process as well as the educational process in general. Thus a very important role of teachers is to enable and streamline the process of learning in schools including the use of appropriate teaching methods.
Use of appropriate teaching methods, is an alternative to overcome the problem of low absorption chemistry students to the lesson, in order to improve the quality of teaching. Implementation of a teaching method should be reviewed in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and compatibility with the characteristics of the subject matter and the circumstances that includes students' abilities, learning pace, interests, time owned and socio-economic circumstances of students as an object. Fit is said by Rostiyah that:
"Any kind of teaching method should be suitable or appropriate to achieve a certain goal. So for different purposes teachers must hold a different presentation techniques as well as to achieve teaching objectives. " (Rostiyah, 1989:2)
One method adopted in involving students actively, to support the smooth process of learning and teaching is to use a method of recitation. In the method of recitation is expected to provoke students' activeness in teaching and learning process. This is because students are required to complete the assignment of teachers and should be accounted for (Nana Sudjana, 1989:82). The success of teaching and learning process in addition to the task of teachers, the students also held a decisive role in achieving educational goals. For how well the presentation of teachers to the subject matter, but students do not have the attention in terms of what is expected to learn the hard achieved. According Slameto (1991:88) as follows:"In order for students to succeed in learning, it is necessary to do the job best. Duties include doing homework, answering questions homemade exercises, questions in the handbook, test / daily tests, general and exam. "
Learning by teaching methods appropriate to the material being taught will enhance students' motivation. An example is the provision of duty at the end of each lesson in the hope of learning activities can be enhanced, so that student achievement can be increased. According Harmawati (1993:38) as follows:
"The task at each meeting affect student learning outcomes. Thus the duty of every meeting led to the students motivated to learn, besides that students are more active in teaching and learning activities. "
On improving student achievement is not only the teacher's role is needed but the students themselves who demanded an active role in teaching and learning. One important thing is owned by the student in improving academic achievement is the mastery of lesson material. Students who lack control of learning materials will have a lower value when compared with students who are more lessons to master the material. To master the required materials at the activities of students who not only remember, but more than that which is to understand, apply, synthesis, and evaluate teaching materials.
Be aware that the expectation of the teachers towards their students are learning the material received by students can be mastered very well. By him that, then one way in which the tasks assigned by the teacher not only done in a narrow class and limited by time, but it should be continued at home, in libraries, in the laboratory and the results must be accounted for.

B. Method Tasks and recitation (Recitation method)
Recitation method is a method of presenting the material in which the teacher provides for students to perform specific tasks and learning activities. This method is provided because the material feels too many lessons, while a little time. Duties and recitation are not the same as homework (homework), but much broader.
The steps to be followed and recitation assignment methods are:
 Phase Granting duty
 Objectives to be achieved
 Types of tasks that clearly and accurately
 In accordance with the student's ability
 There is a guide / resource that can help students work
 Provide sufficient time to do the work
 Step Implementation Task
 Provide guidance / supervision by the teacher
 Provide encouragement so that children are willing to work
 Endeavored / done by the students themselves, do not tell other people
 It is recommended that students record the results he obtained
 Phase accountable Tasks
 Students report both oral / written from what he was doing
 There is a question and answer / discussion class
 Assessment of student work well with the results of tests and non-test
 The advantages of this method are:
 More stimulate students in learning activities of individual or collective
 Able to develop independence in student teacher supervision outside
 Able to foster student responsibility and discipline
 Able to develop students' creativity

 Disadvantages of this method are:
 Students are difficult to control on task execution
 In particular for the task group, which not infrequently are actively working on and completing certain members only, while other members do not participate well
 It is not easy to give tasks according to students' individual differences
 Often gives a monotonous task may lead to student boredom

C. Giving Methods Task Learning and recitation (Recitation method)
This method contains three elements, among others:
• Granting duty
• Learning
• Recitation
Duty, is a work to be done. Giving the task as a method of teaching is a gift of work by teachers to students to achieve a specific teaching purposes. By giving students the task of learning, doing their jobs. In carrying out learning activities, students are expected to obtain an outcome is certain behavioral changes in accordance with its intended purpose.
The last step and this task is the recitation of a means to report or restate the tasks that have worked or studied. So the method of giving the task of learning and recitation, or usually abbreviated recitation method is a method of teaching where the teacher gives an assignment, then students must be accountable for the results of the task. Recitation is often equated with "home work" (homework), but it was different. Homework (PR) has a more specific sense, is the task - a task given by the teacher, students worked at home.
While the recitation, the tasks assigned by teachers are not just done at home, but can be done in a library, laboratories, or place - another place that has to do with the assignment / lesson given. So recitation wider than homework. However, both have a similarity, among others:
• Having the element of duty
• Done by the student and reported the results
• Having a didactic pedagogical element
 The purpose of the task:
According to the traditional view, the granting of the task undertaken by the teacher because the lessons had not given in class. To complete the lesson plan that has been set, then students are given the task to learn to be a matters that must be done at home. Sometimes also mean that children do not play a lot.
Meanwhile, in the view of the task given to the view that curriculum is all activities implemented by the school, either curricular activities, as well as extra curricular.
 Use recitation methods:
Giving the task of learning and recitation fair to say if the aim:
• Deepening students' understanding of the lessons that have been received.
• Train students toward independent learning.
• Students can share their time regularly.
• In order for students to take advantage of spare time to complete the task.
• Train students to find their own way - the right way to accomplish the task.
• Enriching experiences in schools through activities outside the classroom.

In conclusion, none delivery of teaching methods and materials into the perfect protégé. The proof, EACH method has a slit and Weaknesses here and there. So, it all Depends on educators in excess of available optimize and minimize the Weaknesses That exist in EACH method. I am sure, with the harmony Between the methods applied to the ability Possessed by educators far more potent in Achieving optimum results in teaching and learning rather Than "busy" implementing a long tradition of teaching That are less weighty and Sometimes so monotonous!

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