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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU)

Cross Cultural Understanding
SUBJECT : Cross Cultural Understanding
DESCRIPTION : The subject of CCU relates to the understanding of Intercultural Communication among nations to avoid cultural conflict..
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSE : In order that the students have knowledge related to culture of other nations (values, attitudes, behaviors)
No. Specific Instructional Purposes Topic Discussion Sub Topic Discussion Time Estimation References
1 In order that the students are able to understand about culture and intercultural communication Orientation What is Culture,
What is Intercultural Communication 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language.Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
- Adler, P.S. 1982. Beyond Cultural Identity: Reflection on Cultural and Multicultural Man. Dalam L. Samovar & R. Porter. (Ed.). Intercultural Communication: A Reader. Ed. Ke-3, Belmont : Wadsworth .
2 In order that the students are able to understand and use varieties of introductions, use of title in introductions, eye contact and handshaking in introductions, cultural variation in introductions Introductions Varieties of Introductions,
Use of Titles in Introductions,
Eye Contact and Handshaking in Introductions,
Cultural Variation in Introductions 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
- Mulyana, Deddy. dan Rakhmat, Jalaluddin.(Ed.). 1990. Komunikasi AntarBudaya.PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung .
3 In order that the students are able to understand and use rules and style of speaking, speaking and refraining from speaking, directness in American English, different ways of expressing common needs Verbal Patterns Rules and Styles of Speaking,
Speaking and Refraining from Speaking,
Directness in American English,
Different Ways of Expressing Common Needs 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
4 In order that the students are able to understand cult. diff. in nonverbal comm., gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and use them Nonverbal Communication Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Comm., Gestures, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
5 In order that the students are able to understand circle of friends, mobility and friendship, instant friendships, male-female relationships, intercultural friendships Personal Relationships Circle of Friends,
Mobility and Friendship, Instant Friendships, Male-Female Relationships, Intercultural Friendships 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
6 In order that the students are able to understand child raising, young adulthood, the elderly, the nuclear and extended family, familial roles Family Values Child Raising, Young Adulthood, The Elderly, The Nuclear and Extended Family, Familial Roles 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language .Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
7 To evaluate the students’ knowledge on the previous materials (week one to week six) Mid-Term Test Test on previous materials (week one to week six)
8 In order that the students are able to understand diversity in education, to be active in class, independent learning, the honor system, competition, the teacher-student relationship Educational Attitudes Diversity in Educations,
Active Participation,
Independent Learning,
The Honor System, Competition,
The Teacher-Student Relationship 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
9 In order that the students are able to understand the work ethic, American dream, rewards and job satisfaction, workaholics, leisure and socializing Work Values The Work Ethic, The American Dream, Rewards and Job Satisfaction, Workaholics, Leisure and Socializing 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language.Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
10 In order that the students are able to understand time promptness, definition of time, future time, architectural differences, use of space Time and Space Patterns Time Promptness, Definition of Time, Future Time, Architectural Differences, Use of Space 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language .Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
11 In order that the students are able to understand communication and culture, misinterpretations, ethnocentrism, stereotypes and prejudice Cultural Conflict Communication and Culture, Misinterpretations, Ethnocentrism, Stereotypes and Prejudice 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
12 In order that the students are able to understand culture shock, the adjustment process, individual reactions Cultural Adjustment Culture Shock, The Adjustment Process, Individual Reactions 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
13 In order that the students are able to understand the role of Multicultural Being, multicultural conflict, misunderstanding, multicultural Being education Multicultural Being Role of Multicultural Being, Multicultural Conflict, Misunderstanding, Multicultural Being Education 2 x 50 minutes - Levine, R, Deena. dan Adelman, B, Mara. 1982. Beyond Language .Prentice-Hall, Inc. New York .
- Mulyana, Deddy. dan Rakhmat, Jalaluddin.(Ed.). 1990. Komunikasi AntarBudaya.PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung .
14 To evaluate the students’ knowledge on the previous materials (week eight to week thirteen) Final Test Test on previous materials (week eight to week thirteen)

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