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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU)

A. Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU)
Cross Cultural Understanding means understanding the culture of the target people so that we can reconstruct our attitudes and world views; consequently, we become more tolerate and more generous toward strange ways that may be shown by the target language people.
Also, the importance of understanding other culture will avoid misunderstanding and make inappropriate value judgements. Therefore, at the end we are not considered that our culture is better than other cultures.
Culture refers to all aspect of life in a community. It involves ways of doing things, ways of expressing themselves, ways of looking at thing, what things they should value and what is expected from and what they may expect from others.
Tomasouw (1986) distinguish culture and civilization. Civilization refers to areas such as geography, history, artistic, and literacy achievement. While culture is something to do with everyday life style of ordinary citizens and the values belief and prejudice they share with their fellow within their linguistic and social groups with due attention to intra-group differences (of social class for example).
Larson & Immaley in Tomasouw (1986) define culture as a ‘blue print’, which guides the behaviour of people in community and then is developed in family life.
Chaer and Agustine (1995) suggest that culture consists of standards for deciding what is, standards for deciding what can be, standards for deciding how one feels about it, standards for deciding what to do about it, and standards for deciding how to go doing it.
Goodenough in Wardhaugh (1986) believe that culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves.
a. Why study CCU?
1. Although some students of English program show their linguistic competence a lot, e.g. their talking is grammatically correct, their conversation may sound improper even strange.
2. Lacking of cultural knowledge contributes to improper use of the language.
3. One’s cultural factors may cause someone seem intolerant and less generous to other cultures.
4. The need for interpreting behaviour, attitudes and communication style of people from different cultures correctly.
Case examples, where CCU is needed:
a. Dog represents something good in Western culture, while it is considered offending thing in Indonesia.
b. Western culture highly value of time, e.g. punctuality, while it is not a case in Indonesia.
c. Some people use their subjective mood when in contact with foreigners, e.g. using metaphors when talking to foreigners which easily can lead to misunderstanding. In Indonesia, the words said can mean the opposite/ negative since the people also communicate with their body languages or gestures. (Saying ‘Mari makan’ means ‘let me eat my food’, not asking other people to share my food).
d. In this country, the common subjects used when talking with foreigners are about family, jobs or careers, purposes of coming to Indonesia, and so on. This may sound interfere other people’s privacy in other cultures.
e. In this country, people think it is okay to touch foreign child’s head to show concern. This may consider impolite to other cultures. While it shows a impropriate behaviour to touch an adult’s head in this country (offending), while it is a very common to do so in Western cultures.
f. In this country, the people will not open present until they get guest leave; while it may means disliking of the gifts for foreigner's culture.
g. Standing too close to foreigners is considered improper behaviour in Indonesia, while it is common practice in some Western countries.
h. When greeting people, the Indonesian people will answer “Would you like some coffee?” with “Thank you”.
Cross Cultural Gift Giving Etiquette
Within the interdependent, global and multi-cultural marketplace of the 21st century, cross cultural differences in the approaches to and practices of business people across the world are important to learn.
A lack of cross cultural understanding can lead to misunderstandings which may result in offense. Cross cultural awareness and an understanding of foreign etiquette is important for today's globe trotting business person.
One area of importance in cross cultural awareness is in the different gift giving etiquettes of the world. Understanding gift giving and the etiquette surrounding it can help international business people cement better relationships with foreign colleagues, clients or customers.
Cross cultural gift giving etiquette involves considering the following points:
• Who is receiving the gift? Is it a person or a group? What is the status of the receiver(s)?
• What types of gifts are acceptable or unacceptable?
• What is the protocol associated with gift giving and receiving?
• Should gifts be reciprocated?
In many countries such as in North America or the UK, gift giving is rare in the business world. In fact, it may carry negative connotations as gift giving could be construed as bribery. However, in many other countries, gift giving and its etiquette have a central place in business practices.
In order to highlight some of the different aspects of cross cultural gift giving etiquette a few examples shall be presented.
A. Gift Giving Etiquette in China
• It is the proper etiquette for gifts to be exchanged for celebrations, as thanks for assistance and even as a sweetener for future favours.
• It is however important not to give gifts in the absence of a good reason or a witness.
• When the Chinese want to buy gifts it is not uncommon for them to ask what you would like.
• It would be wise to demonstrate an appreciation of Chinese culture by asking for items such as ink paintings or tea.
• Business gifts are always reciprocated. Not to do so is bad etiquette.
• When giving gifts do not give cash.
• Do not be too frugal with your choice of gift otherwise you will be seen as an 'iron rooster', i.e. getting a good gift out of you is like getting a feather out of an iron rooster.
• Depending on the item, avoid giving one of something. Chinese philosophy stresses harmony and balance, so give in pairs.
B. Gift Giving Etiquette in Japan
• Gift-giving is a central part of Japanese business etiquette.
• Bring a range of gifts for your trip so if you are presented with a gift you will be able to reciprocate.
• The emphasis in Japanese business culture is on the act of gift-giving not the gift itself.
• Expensive gifts are common.
• The best time to present a gift is at the end of your visit.
• A gift for an individual should be given in private.
• If you are presenting a gift to a group of people have them all present.
• The correct etiquette is to present/receive gifts with both hands.
• Before accepting a gift it is polite to refuse at least once or twice before accepting.
• Giving four or nine of anything is considered unlucky. Give in pairs if possible.
C. Gift Giving Etiquette in Saudi Arabia
• Gifts should only be given to the most intimate of friends.
• Gifts should be of the highest quality.
• Never buy gold or silk as a present for men.
• Silver is acceptable.
• Always give/receive gifts with the right hand.
• Saudis enjoy wearing scent - itr. The most popular is oud which can cost as much as £1000 an ounce.
• It is not bad etiquette to open gifts when received.
The above are a few of many examples of cross cultural differences in gift giving etiquette. It is advisable to try and ascertain some facts about the gift giving etiquette of any country you plan to visit on business. By doing so, you maximise the potential of your cross cultural encounter.

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 11)
Based on your last reading (I know each of you had read different pages), I want each of you to come up with at least 5 important points that you can derive from the text in PART 6. The most important points according to yourself.

After reading part 6 of this book, I found a lot of important points, five of them all are:

1. cultural intelligence involve three components: knowledge, awareness, skills.
2. be mindful and respectful of my international partner's title, their formality rule, and protocols is important. Choose a formal one is better than an informal.
3. focus more on what is said than how it is said. In some cases it is really important.
4. keep it simple, speak slowly and clear, and take it easy to avoid miscommunication from Brooks is important to do I think.
5. learn the six basics (yes, no, please, thank you, hello, and good bye) from another language is important.
there are much more another important things, but I think the 5 above is the most.
Say Something About The CCU Class (feedback)
Dear Class,
This will be our last online learning program. Please provide your feedback about our class in this section. You may suggest about how to improve learning CCU in the future,our online feature etc. Please feel free since this section will not be graded. I want to read your feedback by next Wednesday.

My Feedback:
Truly, this is my first virtual class. first, i think it will interesting, yes, but just until the 3rd posting. then one thing that make me keep staying at this class is the book (Brooks'), that is the great book.
first, i think you will guide us by the virtual ways, i mean, i think you will respond our post, tell our fault, and so on. yes, it was, but just in the first reading posting. then until the rest class i didn't know where you were. you just comment one statement about the class is over or another one. i agree with my friends.
but, this class give me a lot things about cultural intelligence, and i think that it will be more if the class has the meetings.
Thank You so much and sorry sir...
My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 12)
Starting from today, I want you to come to a brief conclusion from what you have read or learned throughout the semester. Your time to write is until next Tuesday, Dec 28, 2010.

Of course, there are much conclusions of this class activity, also from reading the book. I found a lot of new intelligence knowledge of how to interact with another people that have different culture. I know that I did stereotypes of some people and after reading the book I realize it maybe a wrong stereotypes. Then, the five basic scales make me able to range my self and sure another scale also helps. The important of culture intelligence in daily life make me aware about "what do I know about another's".
From Brooks I know a lot things that have to do and don't in applying cultural intelligence. Every people also have a communication style that we have to know and understand how to translate and face it. One thing that makes me happy is I can increase my cultural intelligence with some tips, trick, and also effort that mentioned by Brooks to be better than now.
In my opinion, cultural intelligence is not enough with scale and reading (knowledge) but it is also about how capable you are in using that intelligence in daily life.

Pauline Tomasouw (1986) Cross Cultural Understanding, Jakarta: Penerbit Karunika.
Cathie Draine & Barbara Hall (1997) Culture Shock, Singapore: Times edition Pte Ltd.
Hanoum Laila Hasyim (1986) Cross Cultural Understanding: Jakarta: Penerbit Karunika.
Pandiya (2007) The Importance of Cross-Culture Understanding For Polytechnic Students in Ragam, Vol 7 No. 1, April 2007: 1 – 8.

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